Am/Can Ch. Jaderiver Ptarmigan Am/Can. TD (02/24/04 – 03/29/17)
(Am Ch. Oncore C’Wood Sticks Like Glue x Am/Can Ch. Jaderiver’s Dreams Come True)
My ‘Woodstock boy’ – Peace & love – he would have been a hippie if human. He was sweet, affable and classy - with common sense. Very trainable. A tracking judge and mentor from the US said that Ptarmigan was the best tracking dog he’d every seen in all his 30 years of judging and teaching. (Any lack of titles was due to his ‘handler’ – and my time constraints at the time) He also had unbelievable charisma in the show ring – judges often told me that they ‘couldn’t take their eyes off him.’ He finished his Am Ch. owner handled in 2 show weekends and won sporting groups and regular group placements owner/handled. He was Best Veteran at the American National Pointer club show in 2012. But mainly he was an amazing friend and soul mate.