Each of my dogs has taught me so much.

They have been fundamental on my journey to become the instructor I am today.

My Dogs


2010 – 2023


My first nose work dog.

 Patrick came to me at almost 4 years old. He had a dog show career in New Zealand, Australia and America before coming to me at almost 4 years old.  He was an exceptional representative of his breed and I had success with him in the ring but he never really fully enjoyed it, so I chose him, of my dogs, to work in nose work because I felt he could use some extra confidence.  

At the time, I knew nothing about nose work. Patrick didn’t know how to learn – he just let people do things to him and he was passive. Nose work gave him agency – he was the expert with the nose and he ‘lit up ‘- his primitive hunt drive took over and he changed immediately. He would literally strut after searching. What a dog to learn on! He was fundamental in teaching me about how deep a well of hunting instinct there is – how to let it out and not stifle it – how to let my dog work and how to give him a bit of support just when he needed then fade back enough to let him work. It was like a dance – he was leading though I was necessary too. He earned titles in SDDA, CKC and ABC Games. He reached NACSW Elite 1 before dementia set in and ultimately took him from me. 

Because of him, I became an instructor – I’m so fortunate to have had him in my life because I now have the best job! 


2011 – present


Marlow started nose work five months after Patrick. She was very different than Patrick. Outgoing and social – very sure of herself. Like him, she had boatloads of natural hunt drive that came out easily. 

It was a fascinating learning curve working with such different dogs – Marlow was fast moving and super enthusiastic and very impatient whereas Patrick had just as much hunt drive but was more methodical, double and triple checking everything through his learning phases. Marlow confidently reacted and made decisions, always looking to the next problem to work out and inclined to move on. 

Without realizing it, working with these two was helping me piece together my methods and understanding what made different dogs tick and how to bring enhance a dogs’ strengths and work through their weaknesses. 

Marlow achieved titles in different organizations such as CKC, SDDA and ABC Games. Marlow continued through NACSW Elite at same time as Patrick but, being younger – had more time and achieved her Elite Championship. She is still my effortless partner in all things. She is 13 now and I hope we have many more years.


2013 – present

Kinsey began nose work to help her overcome her cautious nature.  It has helped her focus and has improved her life immeasurably. She attended classes in-person originally and since has joined in online ones plus practised with me in many settings. She was able to achieve her NACSW ORT title (3 container searches – 3 different odours) on her first try. 

She did search with success in another trialing organization called ABC Games but I decided that trialing was too stressful for her. 

Like my others, she is my hiking buddy and a loyal friend. She is 11, turning 12 years old and I hope I have lots of time with her.


2023 – present

She is my first purebred dog who isn’t a pointer. She is a west African sighthound called an Azawakh. Yufen has been with me since the fall of 2023 when she joined my household at just over 8 weeks old. She has been a wonderful addition to the house – showing lots of promise in nose work and many sports. She has worked all kinds of complicated scent work searches on primary (searching for food) and, at 15 months old has just gone onto the competition odours. I look forward to continuing my learning and trialing journey with her.  


2008 – 2022

Harry was a dog who wasn’t comfortable in a busy settings. He was a quiet dog who adored me and wanted to please me. I started nose work with him in 2016. He was a lot like Kinsey – he advanced in skills quickly and was very instinctual. We dabbled a bit in some local trialing options. Above all he was my adventure dog – hiking was his favourite – he was always focused on me and attentive to me in a way that was quite exceptional. I lost Harry at 13 years old in 2022.


2006 – 2020

Raven was an amazing girl who was queen of her domain. She was very sweet and good at everything she did. She didn’t attend in-person lessons but did many online ones. She was very skilled though I didn’t trial with her because I didn’t have the time to trial with all of them. She was fearless in searches and reminded me of those dogs who come knowing everything, such was her skill and calm focus.  

I’m grateful to have had her in my life. She left me at almost 15 in the spring of 2020. 



2004 – 2016

Ptarmigan was my second pointer. He competed in tracking and conformation shows with great success. I learned that I loved to connect with my dog through these activities. Despite his stellar dog show record, owner handled, I found that I had more fun in  performance activities. 

He earned a TD (tracking dog title) in Canada and also in America. A tracking mentor and judge once told me he was one of the best tracking dogs he’d ever seen. We started working on TDX and Urban tracking but some changes in my life and work got in the way and we had to shelve that training.

He was an absolutely amazing companion – anyone who met him was affected by his sweet calm presence and his charisma. I lost him in 2016.


2001 – 2013

He was my first pointer. What an ambassador he was – sweet, smart and easy to live with. Having only had a working/herding/sporting breed cross before, I had to learn how to work with an outward focused breed – bred to range, find and point birds. He was the start of me really learning to read dogs. Once I understood him, we connected. He was so tuned in and sensitive to my moods and actions. I learned how to understand what I was communicating to him and we became a team. 

I showed him in conformation and learned how to manage my nerves in competition through him. He always tried for me. Above all, he was a dog that loved to join me in anything. We spent many hours in the woods, fields and beaches together.  

Moon Dog

1990 – 2007

My Rottweiler/ Labrador /GSD cross girl.

She was my first dog on my own as an adult. We were inseparable. She was my hiking buddy as well as protector. Many people thought she acted like my big sister. She helped me raise my first pointers. I will always be grateful for her calm, confident way of moving though the world. She lived until 17 years old and I lost her in 2007.